UNIVERSITY OF LJUBLIANA (Uni Ljubliana), cooperates in more than 400 European projects annually. Currently, Uni Ljubliana is the scientific and technical coordinator of the ONTOCHAIN NGI project focusing on trustworthy content handling and information exchange. The research fields that the laboratory covers include data acquisition, management, integration, analysis, and visualization, all within the framework of information system development, management and governance. Special interest is devoted to blockchain, cloud computing, internet of things, big data, real-time data management, the analysis of large networks, data streams, information extraction, etc. The laboratory works closely with industry partners having projects that are aimed at developing and testing new technologies and approaches. Uni Ljubliana will participate in WP6. Ecosystem building, policy support and sustainability and WP7. Dissemination, communication and visibility, and is leader of Task 6.3 Development of ecosystem tools.