NASK National Research Institute (NASK-PIB)
The mission of the Institute is the digitization of Poland, the development of cybersecurity and the most recent technologies through research, imple¬mentation of innovative products, social and educational activities to spread the idea of the information society. NASK-PIB also conducts scientific rese¬arch in artificial intelligence and cybersecurity. An in-depth understanding of data, designing data analysis methods (including mathematical founda¬tions of machine learning and signal processing), interpretability, and model security engage us daily when creating solutions for, among others, image, text, video, and network anomaly detection. Positioned at the intersection of science, business, and public administration, NASK-PIB constantly confronts its concepts with the market’s and society’s actual needs.
Pursuant to the Act on the National Cybersecurity System, the Institute operates within its structures the CSIRT NASK, one of three national CSIRT teams. NASK-PIB also maintains a register of .pl domain name – maintaining over 2.5 million domain names for over 1 million subscribers. In 2017, the Institute, under the relevant act, became the operator of the National Educational Network (OSE) – a program whose goal is to connect all schools in Poland to fast and safe internet. NASK-PIB is also developing a modern system for electronic documentation management in public administration units – EZD RP. The Institute also provides system implementation and maintenance support to designated entities. NASK-PIB is operator of eIDAS node for Poland and national EBSI Node for Poland with the validator status. NASK-PIB takes a part in VECTOR, DC4EU and EBSI-NE projects.