IDunion is a pioneering and impartial organization dedicated to managing a decentralized network for digital identities. Established in 2022 as a European Cooperative, it serves as a collaborative forum where members convene on equal footing. Regardless of their size, each member holds one vote in the general assembly, ensuring democratic participation and collective decision-making.
The membership of IDunion encompasses a diverse array of entities, ranging from highly specialized startups such as Danube Tech and Spherity to industry giants like Siemens, Telekom, Bosch, Datev and ING. This inclusive composition fosters a rich ecosystem of expertise and resources, driving innovation and fostering synergies across various sectors.
Collectively, IDunion’s members leverage their combined strengths to operate a decentralized network that supports productive use cases. By pooling their knowledge and resources, they contribute to the advancement of digital identity solutions, addressing challenges and unlocking opportunities in today’s rapidly evolving landscape.
Within IDunion’s decentralized network, trust, compliance and security are paramount. Through collaborative efforts, members uphold the integrity and reliability of digital identities, ensuring their widespread acceptance and adoption across applications and industries.
Moreover, IDunion serves as a catalyst for fostering collaboration and partnerships within the digital identity ecosystem. By facilitating dialogue and cooperation among its members, it accelerates the development and deployment of innovative solutions, driving positive impact and enabling organizations to harness the full potential of digital identity technologies. IDunion will participate in WP3 – European Self Sovereign Identity Framework (ESSIF) specifications and building blocks as leader of Task 3.3 Define and pilot business registries.