CIMEA is the official Italian centre within the NARIC Network of the European Union and the ENIC Network of the Council of Europe and UNESCO. CIMEA was the first Enic-Naric centre to use Blockchain (BC) technology to issue Certificates of Comparability and also manages the service “Diplome”, using the Blockchain technology applied to the field of recognition of academic qualifications. CIMEA will participate in WP1. Project Management and Coordination, WP2. Strategizing for scaling up, take-up, and interoperability of EBSI use cases, WP3 European Self Sovereign Identity Framework
(ESSIF) specifications and building blocks, WP4. Education Use Case as WP Leader and WP7. Dissemination, communication and visibility and is leader of some tasks such as Task 4.1 Educational business requirements and design cross-border user journeys identification and Task 7.3 Stakeholders engagement and consulting.