Have you heard about EBSI? Are you wondering what the differences between EBSI and EBSI-VECTOR are? This is easy but let’s start from the beginning.
The European Blockchain Services Infrastructure and so-called EBSI, is an initiative of the European Commission and the European Blockchain Partnership. EBSI aims to leverage the power of blockchain for the public good, standing on three pillars:
- Pillar 1. Business: EBSI developed several frameworks to address business problems using blockchain. These are grouped into “Use Case Families”, thematic key areas where EBSI and blockchain technology can contribute to answer to a key business problem that is relevant to multiple sectors/domains, e.g., “Track & Trace” for traceability, “verifiable credentials” for verification, etc.
- Pillar 2. Technology: all Use Cases make use of EBSI’s core Technical Services which data flow is the same across all EBSI Use Cases. The basic architecture of EBSI is composed of three main elements: APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), Smart Contracts and EBSI Ledger.
- Pillar 3. Infrastructure: EBSI’s infrastructure is fully decentralized, being a pan-European network of nodes. Hence, all EBSI’s Core Technical Services – APIs, Smart Contracts, and the EBSI ledger – are hosted in a decentralised way, by a network of nodes all across Europe. They synchronise their copies of the ledger, making it distributed, and all make EBSI’s Core Technical Services available.
In summary, the European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI) is a pan-European initiative that leverages blockchain technology to provide cross-border digital services for public administrations, businesses, and citizens. Its decentralised and tamper-evident structure relies on a network of nodes hosted by various organisations across Europe, ensuring resilience, transparency, and traceability. EBSI is facilitating multiple digital services, including the creation of trustworthy digital audit trails for documents and electronic records, the issuance and management of digital diplomas, and the tracking and tracing of goods and materials within the supply chain. While EBSI continues to evolve, this initiative is set to make a significant impact by enhancing the security, efficiency, and transparency of digital services while also fostering collaboration among public administrations, businesses, and citizens. For further information, you can visit the official EBSI website: here
But wait! What is EBSI-VECTOR about? EBSI-VECTOR is a European project co-founded by the European Union under the Digital Europe Programme, Grant Agreement No: 101102512. This project aims to support in an organized and coordinated way a series of activities aimed at reducing the gap between a “pre-production” implementation and a real-life production adoption in specific application sectors of public services. In particular, the project overarching vision is to “Improve the capabilities of social security, educational credentials and ESSIF use cases, extending the paradigm of self-sovereignty, and decentralized verifiable credentials and decentralized trusted registries for each use case related with real end user services for European citizens via the support of the European Blockchain Service Infrastructure (EBSI) and implement this in different countries and cross-border interactions”. Hence, EBSI-VECTOR is a project where EBSI capabilities are applied for the benefit of citizens in key use cases such as education, social security, and business registries. Eager to know more about EBSI-VECTOR? Keep in touch!