**SAVE THE DATE: 12th March 2024**
University of Lille, EBSI-VECTOR project partner, invites you to the “Blockchain and European public transformation” Conference about identity, diploma, open badges, research and other use cases in the public sector. Venue: University of Lille, Lilliad Learning Center, Cité scientifique, 59650 Villeneuve d’Ascq, France.
Register is just opened! Don’t miss your place and register asap: https://ebsi-conference.eu/en/
Blockchain and European Public Transformation identity, diploma, competences: developing digital sovereign commons
About The Event
This conference will offer participants an informed and independent view of current developments in blockchain technologies in a European public and private sector in search of sovereignty and digital sobriety, in particular in higher education and research.
The morning will present the strategy of the European Digital Decade and the French Digital strategy in higher education (Pierre Boulet, Vice-President for Digitisation of the University of Lille), then the ideas and deliverables of Blockchain technologies in educational context (Perrine de Coëtlogon, EBSI French national contact point), followed by the EBSI-VECTOR project for self-sovereign identity, education and social security (Daniël Du Seuil, SSI Convenor in EBSI, Belgian). The Education use case will be analysed in the light of the Bologna Process and the digitisation of the Erasmus programme (Marie-Pierre Chalimbaud, Digital Counselor, French Erasmus).
Higher education must also address the need for blockchain research and courses with a research notebook in law, tax, finance and management (Wilfrid Azan, Lumière Lyon 2) and the CHAISE_EU Alliance project provides for a proposal of European strategy in informatics (Raimundas Matulevicius, University of Tartu, Estonia, Parisa Godhous, University Lyon 1).
The afternoon will be divided into two sessions: