Seize the Opportunity: Accelerate Your Digital Transformation and Expand in Europe with the EBSI-VECTOR Business Registries Pilot!

Is your organisation ready to fast-track its digital transformation and unlock new opportunities across Europe? By joining the EBSI-VECTOR Business Registries Pilot, you can: How to Get Involved: Take the […]
The wait is over! Our first newsletter is out!

Our first EBSI-VECTOR newsletter has just been released! You can find our main achievements, coming events, recent deliverables and publications, as well as many ways to join us and build […]
EBSI-VECTOR did it again!

Today, European Blockchain Sandbox has announced the 2nd pool of innovative use cases and EBSI-VECTOR was selected again! Our EBSI-VECTOR Business registry use case has been considered. The challenge of […]
EBSI-VECTOR helps to reimagine trust

W3BSI, Trust reimagined This is the evoking phrase of EBSI ecosystem day where the whole ecosystem has celebrated its sucess. Over 25 groundbreaking projects, pioneers in the use of EBSI, […]
EBSI-VECTOR Ecosystem tool – Tutorial

Why do we need to use this Ecosystem tool? EBSI-VECTOR project is devoted to build an ecosystem as well as to provide policy support and sustainability around this initiative in […]
EBSI-VECTOR project wins INATBA Awards under “Public Sector Innovation” category!

Last 30th January 2024, the INATBA Awards Gala took place in Autoworld Brussels. Our colleagues Evrim Tam (WP2 Leader), Nuria Rodríguez (WP7 Leader) and Miguel Ángel Calero received the prize […]